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Life at the moment.

It seems to be that time of year again where all the change in my life is happening at once.

Most of the people who will read this already know the amount of things I've been through recently but for you who don't it's been a fair amount; I have recently come out of a 3 year relationship with someone, all I want to say about that is I'm so pleased we have remained close friends, Also I am moving house again which causes money issues, another issue i'm sure you're all familiar with!

On top of that I keep getting ill and my health is suffering big time- again if you know me I love my health and fitness and it's always disappointing when life gets in the way of my routine but I am trying to claw it back as much as I possibly can as I have a 10K race coming up in September!

I will be starting my third year at University next month which is stressing me out as this third and final year is worth 80% of my whole degree- Gulp. I just hope I can pull something out of the bag and having a bit more freedom will hopefully help with that extra drinking studying...

Everything always hits you all at once and these are only a few things I've been dealing with lately and I just hope I  can over come these hurdles and get back to being happy and healthy!
Optimism seems to be the name of the game because without it life is a slippery slippery slope, I'm trying to stay positive and I'm hoping writing to all you lovely people about it will help get rid of some of the strain that these issues have caused.

One thing I do want to say is don't feel alone, there are people out there who care- whether you believe it or not they are there to help you, especially your family and if you have a close family or close friends don't take them for granted!

This new start will hopefully promote a wonderful new change in my life, hopefully for the better!

I know for a first post this was a little deep but I wanted to set the scene before I get into this blog and start doing the things I love again!

And if you want a fitting song listen to this new one by Daughtry (one of my favorite bands):

Please subscribe and follow me on facebook/twitter/instagram the icons are up top and feel free to pop up if you want a chat!

(All the good in me salutes all the good in you)

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