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2015: Out with the old and in with the new..

It seems a little bit presumptuous to be making my new years resolutions already but why the hell not!

I don't usually believe in making resolutions, but what harm can having new goals and aims for a new year do? Surely it's only for the better.

This year hasn't been fantastic for me, it has involved a lot of highs and a shit load of downs, things have constantly changed, moved, gone back, gone forward, and next year I'm hopeful that this will all level itself out into some sort of stability.

A few things for a new me:

  1. I think I've finally figured out what I want to do in my career after university so at the moment I'm trying to find an internship/placement for the new year, fingers crossed.
  2. I plan to re-invent myself and go for a smarter more sophisticated look, and immerse myself in fashion, because for me looking good is feeling good, a point I need to take into account more often. Yes, we all love a pair of jeans and an over sized t-shirt (me especially) but it's time to look fabulous and hopefully this will boost my confidence and help me find that perfect career. 
  3. Read more- I read a lot as it is, but I could always use a wider variation of literature.
  4. Write more, this includes; my blog, articles, reviews- I want to make my blog into something I'm proud of and I can show to perspective employers to impress them. 
  5. Get rid of the baggage in my life- the people that just hang around, I have high expectations of people and in my love life I want someone to sweep me off my feet. So if you want me, one important rule: come get me!!
  6. Keep up with my fitness, I've started again but unfortunately i'm ill at the moment which is killing me. But I'm looking towards the future!
  7. Be more fashion conscious 
  8. More money (Who doesn't want that) 
  9. The most important thing- think about myself. Be selfish, and love myself. 
  10. Try to get a good grip on my anxiety/depression and try and be happy all the time. 
These are lose goals, but just some points I want to try and expand on over the year!

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