Well after my last post I decided this detox wasn't for me.
I don't like the drink and frankly if you want to actually live life with energy you need food/juice to stay energetic and forfill day to day tasks.
I started eating small and worked my way up, and frankly to an extent I've forced myself to eat again because I know it's needed.
I have missed the gym and exercise and the lack of it has caused my mood drop dramatically and I'm slowly but surely falling into a state of depression. It's time to get back to healthy living, I need the gym, I need health food and I need to feel good about myself.
Weight loss comes from dedication, hard work and persistence, not from fad diets and detoxes. BUT, if you do insist on doing one at least do one that provides you with nutrients and sufficient energy to live.
If anything I want you to just live life to the fullest, enjoy it, but live with all things in moderation. I've lost this balance of moderation and I'm striving to find it again.
Just remember, you are who you are and you are beautiful and you are wanted by someone..somewhere, I feel lonely at times but you have to stay positive and do this for yourself nobody else.
I hope you're having a lovely day!
I will post a longer post all about my new routine soon (when I organise myself) and I am certain of what I want. Why don't you try setting some goals for yourself? But let's think realistically! Everything takes time (even I need to remember this...)
Oh, and I changed my hair again, Purple this time!